My new project: Chemistry of Makeup


Hi everyone,

If you are interested in the chemistry behind makeup, clearing up some common myths, or just understanding more, I am compiling posts I’ve made at 350nm of beauty.

Here is my intro post.

These will all be written at a level that anyone can understand.

Of course, my normal unboxing posts will appear here.




Glossybox Warehouse Switch and Delays


Hi everyone,

This is currently my second month with Glossybox. I currently have 2 active subscriptions (1 monthly and 1 3-month). I’m soo annoyed with how slow they are this month. April ends in 2 days, and neither of my boxes have shipped yet. When I called about a different question, the CSR said the warehouse has changed, and there has been delays this month. It seems like there are always delays with Glossybox.

On a side note, Glossy will bill on the 5th of each month if it’s a business day, or the following Monday if it is not. They can take your money on time, but not spend it on time.






As an intro, I’ve been subscribing to beauty boxes for about a year or so. It’s a bit of an addiction really, every month is a little present to myself. Currently I subscribe to Birchbox, henceforth referred to as bb, ipsy, and Memebox.

I’ll add unboxings of each month, and random reviews of products that I get along the way. Thanks for checking my blog out!
